Student Scholarship

Scheme Of Post Matric Scholarships To The Students

1. Purpose
Pragati Charitable Trust’s Student Scholarship Scheme is to reach out the students from economically weaker sections without caste or religion bias. The core ideology of the institution is inclusivity; this scholarship scheme intends to reflect the value system of the institution. Transforming lives is the epicenter of this framework. Unreached sections yet aspiring to progress in life shall be given opportunity to grow.

2. Scope
This Student Scholarships Policy and Procedure applies to all areas of the Institution, except the Research Scholarships. Students from rural background and economically unaffordable to get graduated. Students with good academic track record and could not continue education on financial constraints, differently abled students, victims of violence, students with sports excellence , students with interest and proven ability to continue studies but with no parents to support their academic dreams/goals.

3. Policy Statement
Pragati Charitable Trust Scholarship scheme otherwise known as “Pragati Scholarship Scheme” provides opportunity to study based on principles of inclusivity, equity and transparency. A transformative procedure shall be in place to assist the most needed sections of the society and the merit. The procedure to implement the policy comprises of the adherence to the value system of the institution; aforementioned principles those facilitate the right to continue education to be exercised by the most deserving students.

4. Definitions
Institutional Scholarships: Institutional Scholarship refers to scholarships that are established by the institution from internal funds.
Committee: Student Scholarship Policy implementation committee constituted by the President of Pragati Charitable Trust.

5. Scholarship establishment: The Pragati Scholarship Scheme was established in 2024. This is modeled and developed to implement the scholarship policy of the institution. The counts of beneficiaries increasing every year with the fruits of quality education are empowering the society with inclusivity.
Note: This Student Scholarship quota 50 students per year.


Scholarship implementation:
The implementation part of the student scholarships is handled by the team constituted by the President and two more senior faculty members from different disciplines. This committee takes care about the implementation process from receiving the applications to the selection of the candidate eligible for the scholarship and also in the record management of these selected students.

The first call seeking the applications from the eligible candidates/students will be released in the month of April every year. Applicants shall apply through online mode. All the received applications are subjected to due scrutiny and verification of correctness in information provided (if required).

After the initial screening, the eligible candidates are called for the counseling procedure that comprises of test and interview before the Scholarship committee. Selected students are well informed about the responsibilities, rules and regulations of the institution. Selected students are requested to report the institution along with the necessary documents.


Reporting and review of Performance
This is the responsibility of the committee to maintain the record of all scholarships. Every semester, the committee should meet, review the performance of the scholarship students and the report shall be submitted to the Principal.

Performance of the committee has to be reviewed by the President and if necessary the committee shall be reconstituted after or within the tenure of three years. The committee shall meet atleast once in a year and the minutes of the meeting shall be shared to the President.

Scholarship Application Form

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